Homework 3: Web Development


January 29, 2024

In this blog post, you’ll create a simple webapp using Flask and describe how you did it. The skills you’ll need are:

  1. Flask fundamentals, including render_template(), the basic anatomy of templates, and user interactions.
  2. Database skills, including adding items to databases and displaying them.
  3. Basic CSS in order to add a bit of personal flare to your webapp.

You are not required to deploy your app to the internet, although you are certainly welcome to do so if you wish.


The app you’re going to build is a simple message bank. It should do two things:

  1. Allow the user to submit messages to the bank.
  2. Allow the user to view a sample of the messages currently stored in the bank.

Additionally, you should use CSS to make your app look attractive and interesting! I encourage you to get creative on this.

Your Blog Post should contain several screencaps from the functioning of your app, as well as a discussion of the Python methods you implemented to create your app.

You are free to (and indeed encouraged) to build on any of the examples from class, as well as any other resources you are able to find. The mnist demo and the simple form demo are good starting points.

The code for your app must be hosted in a GitHub repository. I suggest you begin by creating such a repository. Commit and push each time you successfully add a new piece of functionality or resolve a bug.


1. Enable Submissions

First, create a submit template with three user interface elements:

  1. A text box for submitting a message.
  2. A text box for submitting the name of the user.
  3. A “submit” button.

You may find it helpful to put navigation links (the top two links at the top of the screen) inside a template called base.html, then have the submit.html template extend base.html. You can find an example from our lecture. For example, the base.html from mnist demo has the navigation links and also specifies where the header and content blocks would go. Then, other templates like submit.html just has to write what would go inside header and content instead of repeating everything that’s already in the base.html template.1 Here are more examples about extends from flask and jinja.

Here’s an example of Phil’s submission page:

Figure 1: Example of the message submission interface. Yours should look different!

Now, write two Python functions for database management in a new file app.py (you can also write them in a separate .py file and import them into app.py).

  • get_message_db() should handle creating the database of messages.

    1. Check whether there is a database called message_db in the g attribute of the app. If not, then connect to that database, ensuring that the connection is an attribute of g. To do this last step, write a line like do g.message_db = sqlite3.connect("messages_db.sqlite")
    2. Check whether a table called messages exists in message_db, and create it if not. For this purpose, the SQL command CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS is helpful. Give the table an id column (integer), a handle column (text), and a message column (text).
    3. Return the connection g.message_db.
    4. Here is a helpful starter code from a previous TA, Shruti:
    def get_message_db():
      # write some helpful comments here
          return g.message_db
          g.message_db = sqlite3.connect("messages_db.sqlite")
          cmd = '' # replace this with your SQL query
          cursor = g.message_db.cursor()
          return g.message_db
  • insert_message(request) should handle inserting a user message into the database of messages.

    1. Extract the message and the handle from request. You’ll need to ensure that your submit.html template creates these fields from user input by appropriately specifying the name of the input elements. For example:
    <input type="text" name="message" id="message">

    is what I used in my template to ensure that request.form["message"] contained the message input by the user. You should then return the message and the handle.

    1. Using a cursor, insert the message into the message database. Remember that you’ll need to provide an ID number, the handle, and the message itself. You’ll need to write a SQL command to perform the insertion.
    • Note: when working directly with SQL commands, it is necessary to run db.commit() after inserting a row into db in order to ensure that your row insertion has been saved.
    • You should ensure that the ID number of each message is unique. One way to do this is by setting the ID number of a message equal to one plus the current number of rows in message_db.2
    • Don’t forget to close the database connection within the function!

Finally, write a function to render_template() the submit.html template. Since this page will both transmit and receive data, you should ensure that it supports both POST and GET methods, and give it appropriate behavior in each one. In the GET case, you can just render the submit.html template with no other parameters. In the POST case, you should call insert_message() (and then render the submit.html template). Maybe it would be nice to add a small note thanking the user for their submission?

2. Viewing Random Submissions

Write a function called random_messages(n) which will return a collection of n random messages from the message_db, or fewer if necessary. This StackOverflow post might help. Don’t forget to close the database connection within the function!

Next, write a new template called view.html to display the messages extracted from random_messages(). Once again, here is Phil’s example:

Figure 2: Example of the message viewing interface. Yours can look different!

I took advantage of the fact that Jinja tags support looping (so I looped over the messages), and I also used the fact that Jinja tags support indexing of objects (so if m is a tuple of user handle and message m[0] contains the handle and m[1] contains the message).

Finally, write a function to render your view.html template. This function should first call random_messages() to grab some random messages (I chose a cap of 5), and then pass these messages as an argument to render_template().

3. Customize Your App

Write some CSS in the file static/style.css to customize your app! At minimum, you should

  • Incorporate a non-default font.
  • Use color in some way.

Feel free to add additional CSS (and modify your templates if necessary) in order to give your app a personal feel.

Your app should be a lot more colorful than the screencaps in this blog post!!

4. Blog Post

For your blog post, write a tutorial describing how you constructed your webpage. You should include:

  • Separate code blocks and explanations for each of the Python functions you used to build your app (there should be at least 5).
  • A discussion of at least one of the template files you used in your app. You can copy the source code of the template file into your markdown post.
  • Your blog post must include two screencaps:
    • In the first screencap, you should show an example of a user submitting a message. In the handle field, please use either your name or the nickname used on your PIC16B blog.
    • In the second screencap, you should show an example of a user viewing submitted messages. Show at least two messages, one of which is the message you submitted in the previous screencap. This message should show your name or nickname. Additionally, please include in your blog post a link to the GitHub repository containing the code for your app.


Please remember that all specifications must be met in order for the blog post to earn credit.


  1. There is no autograder window for this homework.
  • For files section, please submit the zip file containing all the files in your GitHub repository.
    • Please select the file app.py, folders templates/ and static/, along with any other files you used, then compress them together. When you see the Code tab on your submission, app.py, templates/base.html, templates/submit.html, and static/style.css must appear.
  • For pdf section, the URL to your GitHub repo for this homework, as well as the URL to your blog must appear.

Coding Problem

  1. Each of the required functions is implemented in a logical way.
  2. Each of the required functions appears to successfully achieve the required task.
  3. The functions that call render_template also include the appropriate additional functions. For example, the function that renders the view.html template should also call random_messages().
  4. There is a css file that changes the font and incorporates color in the interface in some way. These modifications must be visible in the supplied screencaps.

Style and Documentation

  1. Helpful comments are supplied throughout the code. Docstrings are not required in this blog post.


  1. The overall post is written in engaging and unambiguous English prose. There is written explanation throughout the post, such that a PIC16A student could learn to perform the demonstrated tasks by reading the post.
  2. Each block of code has a clearly-explained purpose.
  3. The post is organized into clearly delimited sections using markdown headers (#), making it easier for the reader to navigate.
  4. The post includes the two required screencaps demonstrating the submission and viewing pages of the app.
  5. The post includes a discussion of all Python functions used to create the app. This should include, at minimum, get_message_db(), insert_message(), random_messages(), and the two functions used to render templates.
  6. The post includes a discussion of at least one of the two templates.
  7. The blog post includes a link to the GitHub repository containing the code for the app.

Image from Vector image by VectorStock / iconsgate


  1. This should remind you of object oriented programming and inheritance from PIC16A!↩︎

  2. Removed 2/4: This requirement is lifted since SQLite automatically adds a rowid column.↩︎